The Art & Business of Making Games. Video game industry news, developer blogs, and features delivered daily.
One-stop solution for all your needs
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Gigvi is a social platform about all things game development and design for hobbyists, indies, and industry professionals
Gigvi blog covers all things game development related, with a focus on tutorials
Game engines, art tools and programming languages.
After doing text based tutorials for several years they have started slowly making more video content.
Gigvi is a Free and Powerful Analytics Tool for Game Developers
Gigvi is a unified package of game development tools. Starting with the workflow, it also includes a game engine, resource management, scene editing, game previewing, debugging and publishing your project to multiple platforms.

The aspiring video game designers guide to becoming a successful game designer, developer, or artist.
Privacy Policy
We take player’s privacy seriously.
Our Apps:
- Do not collect any user information
- Do not contain in-app purchases, unless specified on iTunes
We believe you should not have to worry about your kids being tracked by apps or websites.
If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policies, please contact us:

Gigvi is dedicated to publishing products that appeal to and enrich the North American market.
The leading technology to create realtime and turn-based multiplayer games, large scale MMOs and virtual communities for all popular platforms and languages.
Feature Rich.
Focus on helping people become successful game developers in the entertainment technology field.
Monetize it!
We help creative people realize the true revenue potential by providing a simple & seamless Reward Video Ad integration that delivers results. Gigvi has been helping 100+ games monetize using Reward Video Ads on Web, Mobile Web and Mobile games & sites.
Gigvi writes video game articles on game theory, game design, the game industry, and critical analysis of indie/mainstream games.
Do what you love!
Gigvi is about random interesting things he learn while creating things (usually design, art, code and music for games)

It`s all network!
Game development in Unity3D. This is not your typical developer podcast. Gigvi balances in-depth discussions and interviews with a casual and wry sense of humor. Join them each week as they deep dive into the evolving world of game development in Unity.
Google ready!
Comprehensive up-to-date coverage for game development, aggregated from news sources all over the world by Google News.
Always learn!
Gigvi is one of the fastest growing tutorial resources in game development. Gigvi helps you learn to program, shape and design games from the ground up using state of the art software.
Q3 2018
- Gigvi team assembled.
Q4 2018
- Back-End development completion of the platform.
Q1 2019
- UX/UI, Front-End development,and partnership finalized.
Q2 2019
- Private launch (focus group – influencers, community leaders, contributors).
Q3 2019
- Public launch of multiple mobile Apps in US, Canada, Mexico, EU, Asia.
Q4 2019
- Refinement, introduce new features, geographic expansion.
Dreaming about making your own game?
Umate is a monthly game design podcast for enthusiasts and professionals alike. It's by a bunch of folks in the industry, although after listening you might wonder how they ever got hired.